It’s that time of year.
Not the time for resolutions and starting over.
Not the holly jolly festive time of Christmas.
It’s the time when thoughts turn to love and romance.

We live in a world that defines love and romance in a narrow way. And Valentine’s Day is the epitome of that very definition. Cards. Candy. Flowers. Candlelit dinners. In other words: romance.
I don’t know about you, but it’s also the time when my social media feeds turn to disdain and bitterness. Sometimes funny, more often sarcastic memes dissing love. Because…not everyone is in love.

But love and romance are not synonymous. Feelings of love can happen without romance and romance can happen without love. Our world promotes “falling in love.” A state you can also fall out of.
The Oxford dictionary defines romance as “a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.” And our culture promotes romance with and without the confines of a committed God-ordained relationship.
Often the definition and requirements of modern romance includes unrestrained sensuality, unrestricted spending, and unrealistic expectations. All of these things result in a false sense of romance and, too often, unrequited love.
So then, is romance a biblical concept?
Of course. All good things come from Him. And God created us for relationship. With him. With others. We are called to love.

As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
The Bible is full of proof of His love for His people. He is the creator of relationship, and the creator of marriage. Love is often mentioned in the Bible. And Song of Songs is an entire book dedicated to romantic love! Therefore, God as the author of love, is a pundit of romance.
When romance is experienced in accordance to His will, His timing, and within His boundaries we can gain a deeper understanding of His love for us. When we understand His love, we can love more deeply. Out of that love we can find romance in the little things.
The key is connecting with one another. Not the price tag. Not perfection. Not the giddy feeling that passes. It’s love.
Whether you are “in love” or not, did you know that everyone can experience an unending and perfect love? Everyone. It’s there for the taking.
Why? Because God is love.
The Creator.
King of Kings.
Lord of all.
Loves you. Every. One.

Perhaps it’s time to redefine romance and focus on love.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Does it inspire happy, giddy feelings of anticipation? Or is it a foolish holiday created to sell more candy and cards? Does it depend on how “loved” you feel this year?