*UPDATE (4/1/2019): Pup’s Medical bills have been covered. She received a new coat, to keep her poor fatless body warm, and collar. But she’s still looking for a home! **
**UPDATE (4/4/2019) This sweet girl, currently known as Bones, has been given a permanent home by her foster family.

Love is one of those core essential needs for all people. Thing is, we aren’t the only ones that need to be loved.
When God created the world He said, “It is good.” I am reminded of that goodness every day. When I look out my office window at the mountain range to the West, I see God’s creation.
When I stroke the softer than soft fur of my kitten. Or watch him fold himself literally in half to groom parts of his body that need attention. I see God’s creation.
When I hug my children. Smell a flower. Hear the rain. I am made aware of God’s creation.
It is good.
And part of that creation is the dog. A loyal and devoted companion. Protector. Lover. Friend. Family.
Yet, some humans are not worthy. They discard their friends. They toss aside their family. And poor babies like this one suffer.

This young dog was found by a friend of mine, earlier this week, in Oklahoma. Her full situation is unknown, but based on her condition she gave birth to her puppies and then was left to fend for herself. A common, albeit horrible practice in the area.

She is able to hold down food, which is a very good sign. Once released into my friend’s custody the poor girl was taken to the vet for initial veterinarian care because of a severe tick infestation.

She is now in a temporary foster, awaiting further shots, spaying and care.

She is believed to be a boxer mix, approximately 15 months old. She is a real lover and snuggler, good with kids and other animals. She will likely be looking for a home in Colorado.

What’s worse? This is the eighth dog in a few short months my friend has rescued. The expenses are too much to bear alone. It is not a scam, nor does she have any need of money on a personal level. All funds are going to help this dog and any extra will be set aside for the next.
UPDATE (3/31/2019): A large donation has come in that puts the donations very close to the goal of $1000! The sweet girl is doing very well in her temporary home. But will still need a forever home.
If you would like to help, please share this story, or click on the Facebook link to donate. https://www.facebook.com/donate/355023921776018/.
UPDATE (4/4/2019): All of Bones’ needs have been covered! My friend’s daughter–Bones’ foster Mom–decided she is just too sweet to give up. Rather than use donated money for her care she covered it herself. Any money donated for Bones’ cause is being transferred to a non-profit fund for the next rescue and donations matched creating a balance of approximately $1700 to meet the ongoing needs of discarded dogs in the same area!
Having a dog is a HUGE responsibility. Please, take that responsibility seriously. God created us for love. He created the dog to be a lover, and dogs do love us. You can see it in their eyes.
Do you love a dog? Have you ever been loved by a dog?