by April Kidwell | Blessful Writings
Some days are harder than others. We get busy and focus on doing life and we don’t think about it. That’s not to say that we don’t think about her everyday. Because we do. Every day we think about our sweet girl. And miss her. We adopted her...
by April Kidwell | Blessful Writings
Jasper is not our first shelter adoption. My very first dog was adopted from the Humane Society of Bend eons ago. She was a dachshund terrier mix, all black and brown and white. She was low, but not slow. A runner. The door opened and she was gone. But she always came...
by April Kidwell | Blessful Writings
The New Pup Meet Jasper. His name was not a spur of the moment decision. We considered a lot of names first. With his likely heritage of Red Heeler and the red coloring beginning to show on his coat we liked the idea of a “red” name. After all our big boy,...