Puppy Think It Over

Puppy Think It Over

If there is one thing that we have discovered during these first few weeks of puppy love, it is that having a puppy is a little like having a toddler. He gets into everything within reach. He questions everything. He chews on everything. He puts all sorts of things in...
Love at “First” Sight

Love at “First” Sight

Some days are harder than others. We get busy and focus on doing life and we don’t think about it. That’s not to say that we don’t think about her everyday. Because we do. Every day we think about our sweet girl. And miss her.   We adopted her...
Why Adopt Him?

Why Adopt Him?

Jasper is not our first shelter adoption. My very first dog was adopted from the Humane Society of Bend eons ago. She was a dachshund terrier mix, all black and brown and white. She was low, but not slow. A runner. The door opened and she was gone. But she always came...


The New Pup Meet Jasper. His name was not a spur of the moment decision. We considered a lot of names first. With his likely heritage of Red Heeler and the red coloring beginning to show on his coat we liked the idea of a “red” name. After all our big boy,...
The Train

The Train

I heard the train pass through town tonight. Strange that. It is quite a ways away. When I was little, we lived on a small property that backed right up to the railroad right of way and tracks. We lived in that house for five years, and the only time I ever remember...
The Hillman Homestead

The Hillman Homestead

Back in the early days of the twentieth century a small town in Central Oregon dreamed of winning the race to become the economic center of the High Desert. Much of this dream hinged on what today is an almost forgotten railroad war between rail magnates Hill and...

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