Thank you to the contributing authors of Something Borrowed for a review copy of this title. All thoughts (and recommendations) are freely given.
If you read any Christmas stories this year, this should be the one! I absolutely loved the first three stories–probably because I connected so very well with the heroines–but the other stories are delightful as well.
This is a fun collection just in time for the holidays What could be better than Christmas and weddings?!

A definite favorite of the collection: “Always Been Yours” by Jaycee Weaver. This story starts off the collection with the group of six friends preparing for Hanady’s wedding. The snowflake tiara and the tradition of Christmas weddings begins.
Next up is “All the Moore,” by Toni Shiloh. I hate to say it, but this is the story that would not have drawn me in by the description alone. But in the end is was one of the very best. Sweet. Sympathetic. A true Christmas romance to be remembered.

And then we have: “A Holly, Bolly Christmas” by Mikal Dawn. An ice palace, a woman who knows her mind, and a leading man with red hair is a great place to start. But then add in a misunderstanding, an even more understanding man, and again you have a truly magical Christmas romance.

We round out the collection with “Somehow, This Christmas” by Teresa Tysinger which just goes to show that a wedding does not make a marriage. “A Promise So Sweet” by Andrea Boyd, reminds us that true love doesn’t always happen the first time around.

If you love Christmas romance check out last years collection: Once Upon a Christmas.
Want to learn more or connect with the featured authors?
Andrea Boyd:
Mikal Dawn:
Toni Shiloh:
Teresa Tysinger:
Jaycee Weaver: