God equips us to act through the gifts of His spirit.

Not that many days ago, our landscape looked very much like the picture above. But unlike the photo (featuring New Mexico’s White Sands) our world was covered in snow. Cold, silent, and unrelenting.
If you’ve ever visited White Sands National monument on a hot summer’s day you know that the expanse pictured is hundreds of miles of white sand. Shifting, white, hot sand.
What does sand or snow have to do with our spiritual gifts? Extremes.
Exegesis & Word Study
In 2 Timothy, Paul writes with a greeting, encouragement, and prayer for his friend. Then he charges him to “rekindle God’s gift that you possess.” In the Greek Paul writes “ἀναμιμνῄσκω σε ἀναζωπυρεῖν” (anamimnēskō se anazōpurein) which translates to “I remind you to rekindle…” Remind? As if maybe you’ve forgotten. Rekindle? As in get the fire going again?
Followed by verse seven, “for God did not give us a spirit of fear…”
Fear. That feeling that fills so many of us. In the Greek it is δειλίας (deilias). Which means fearfulness, cowardice, or timidity.
Fear freezes. Fear keeps us from action.
Had Timothy fallen into the trap of questioning his call? Is it possible Timothy feared getting out and doing what God created him to do? Did he wonder if God had called the right man for the job? Moses did that too. Remember Exodus 4:10 and 6:30? Or perhaps Timothy felt ashamed (2 Timothy 1:8-14)?
But following the negative structure–God did NOT give us a spirit of fear–the verse follows with three positives. He GAVE power, love and self-control.
Wow. He gave Timothy power, love, and self-control. All qualities that help overcome the fear. Paul reminded Timothy to get over his fear and take action. He goes on to say, you are going to suffer. Accept it. (2 Timothy 1:8-9) All this is for God’s purpose.
How can we apply what Timothy learned here?
We do not need to live by extremes. We don’t have to get it all right, all the time. We do not have to run hot until we are exhausted, or freeze out our gifts until we forget they exist. We do not have to be ashamed.
God gifts us with the necessary tools to overcome fear: Power. Love. Self-control. Through these attributes we are equipped to act.
Live out the call that God has given. Rekindle the gift.
And you are gifted. We are ALL gifted.
What gift has God given you? How does He want you to put it into action?