Contemporary Rom-Coms Worthy of the biggest 80s Blockbusters

A fun romantic read reminiscent of all things 80s. Although, not so over the top to prevent non-80 lovers’ enjoyment. Fun set-ups, charming characters and all the romantic tropes.
Evie Tyler’s Day Off **** Totally awesome, better than the movie kind of stuff. Evie is turning 30 and has a bucket list to complete. She just might fall in love along the way. (With nods to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)
Just Like That **** Like adorable to the max. (Baby Boom)
Falling for a Price **** Like totally a fun one. Predictable in similarities to the movie, but the fun and adventure takes over and drags the reader along for the ride. (Romancing the Stone)
Lake Shore Wandering ***1/2 Fantabulous role reversal. Grizzly Adams, if he were a woman, meets a city boy. This one did not grab me in the beginning. (A little like Overboard)
Sure of You ***1/2 Gnarly travel mishaps and clashing co-workers. I realized I remember virtually nothing from this movie beyond the boom box, and it was sadly missing. (The Sure Thing)