There’s something about Rom-Coms that often leaves readers, or watchers, a little unsettled. You fall in love with the characters and root for them to find their happily-ever-after. But so often, the thing that keeps the lovers apart is the very thing that doesn’t “sit right” in the end. How do they overcome? Do they ever reach their ultimate goal? Does it last?
In this latest addition to the world of Rom-Coms Angela Ruth Strong presents us with a longstanding dilemma–a woman who wants to marry, a man with no interest in marriage, and a list of things she’s going to do to try to win his heart. Okay, not all stories include a fabulous list of dating advice that could be straight out of a 50s magazine…after all, that is the basis of the book. Still, most people on the search for love have a list of “have-to-haves” whether they admit it or not.
But we read through to the end waiting and watching. Learning along with the characters. This is a book that will teach readers a little something about love and reevaluating our goals.
What I loved about this book:
Once again Strong introduces the reader to likeable, quirky characters. Meri may have some trouble finding love, but it’s not for a lack of inhibitions when it comes to trying crazy. Kai has his own special traits, you just have to search for them beyond the dent he leaves in the couch.
I’ve visited most of the places the characters go–from the coast, to downtown Portland, to Multnomah Falls. It’s fun to revisit these places through the eyes of the characters. And the setting adds to the light-hearted, playful feel of the story.
Of course, the best part of the story is the developing friendship and chemistry between Meri and Kai. Their authenticity and genuinely realistic feelings draw the reader in.
The ending. Maybe it was a little love/hate. But I will settle on loving it, because it provided the nice little bow on top, just as every romance needs. ‘Nuff said.
The Not So-Loving Part
The hard parts. Love is messy. Loving can be hard. Not everyone wins at love. This story does not shy away from these truths. But the hard parts are necessary to the story, dealt with in an empathetic way, and always points the reader back to the One who always loves us: God.
Personal biases: References to the lack of sun in Oregon. A couple of editing things most people may skim right over.
A must read for any Rom-Com lover. This one will win your heart, even if it doesn’t win you a husband.

HUSBAND AUDITIONS by Angela Ruth Strong
How far would you go to find the perfect husband? All the way back to the 1950s?
In a world full of happily-ever-after love, Meri Newberg feels like the last young woman on the planet to be single, at least in her Christian friend group. So when she’s handed a strange present at the latest wedding–a 1950s magazine article of “ways to get a husband”–she decides there’s nothing to lose by trying out its advice. After all, she can’t get any more single, can she?
Her brother’s roommate sees the whole thing as a great opportunity. Not to fall in love–Kai Kamaka has no interest in the effort a serious relationship takes. No, this is a career jump start. He talks Meri into letting him film every silly husband-catching attempt for a new online show. If it goes viral, his career as a cameraman will be made.
When Meri Me debuts, it’s an instant hit. People love watching her lasso men on street corners, drop handkerchiefs for unsuspecting potential beaus, and otherwise embarrass herself in pursuit of true love. But the longer this game goes on, the less sure Kai is that he wants Meri to snag anyone but him. The only problem is that he may not be the kind of husband material she’s looking for . . .
With droll comic timing, unbeatable chemistry, and a zany but relatable cast of characters, Angela Ruth Strong has created a heartfelt look at the reality of modern Christian dating that readers will both resonate with and fall for.

Angela Ruth Strong sold her first Christian romance novel in 2009 then quit writing romance when her husband left her. Ten years later, God has shown her the true meaning of love, and there’s nothing else she’d rather write about.
She is the author of the Resort to Love series and the CafFUNated mysteries. Her books have since earned TOP PICK in Romantic Times, won the Cascade Award, and been Amazon best-sellers. Finding Love in Big Sky was recently filmed on location in Montana and will air soon. Her latest release is Husband Auditions.
Strong also writes non-fiction for SpiritLed Woman. To help aspiring authors, she started IDAhope Writers where she lives in Idaho and teaches as an expert online at Write That Book.
Learn more at, and follow her on Facebook (Angela Ruth Strong Fan Page), Twitter (@AngelaRStrong), and Instagram (@ang_strong).