Once Upon a Christmas
Genre: Contemporary romance
Release date: October 1st
*Contains Affiliate Links*

Review: Once Upon a Christmas. Embrace the magic of the Christmas season with these contemporary twists on timeless tales. Click on a title to check out my thoughts on the individual stories.
“Upon a Dream” — A rare sleeping disorder keeps Talia from performing, but when Philip recognizes her gift, he’ll do whatever it takes to see her onstage.
“Claim My Heart” — Li Na and Colin Wen face off in a Mulan-esque courtroom battle where the real win might be losing their hearts.
“A Snow White Christmas” — Sheltered heiress Amala White flees her conniving stepmother’s plans and finds refuge with a handsome orchard owner and his seven quirky uncles.
“Christmas Ella” — Reality TV meets Cinderella story when a location director is swept off her feet by a rising star.
“A Splash of Love” — Las Vegas glitz meets Land of Enchantment culture in a modern twist on the Little Mermaid.

A fun story with a new spin on the sleeping beauty story. I enjoyed the character of Talia with her quiet insecurities and the references to the original tale. Integration of the sleeping beauty curse worked well.
My love of theater may have influenced my enjoyment of the story. The Grand Rose theater was a fun setting and not like every other story.
If I could change anything, I’d have liked more exploration of Philip’s character and perhaps their relationship development.
Although set during the holiday season and the production is given a holiday theme, it is not an overtly Christmas-themed story. Perfect for reading any time of the year!
Plus, what a dreamy cover!

Each of Andrea Boyd’s series represents a different genre but all fall into the category of romance. All offer an element of her own brand of humor. And all are a tribute to God. Besides writing, she loves spending time with her family, quilting, going to car shows, and driving around in her 1968 Barracuda convertible. Andrea lives with her husband, Tommy, and at least a couple of cats in York County, SC. Visit her at www.andreaboyd11.com.

What is more romantic than a little deception and an intense legal battle? This couple finds out that honor and honesty are not passé. But most importantly standing up for what is right is always the best way.
A fun blend of cultures and tradition creates a romantic tale not soon forgotten. I thoroughly enjoyed the side-kick Mush, and Li Na’s father. With the right doses of laughter and romance this is a not-to-be-missed addition to the collection.
Unique and charming cover.

Mikal Dawn Author bio – Mikal Dawn is an inspirational romance author, wedding enthusiast, and military (retired) wife. When she isn’t writing about faith, fun, and forever, she is obsessively scouring Pinterest (with coffee in hand!) for wedding ideas for her characters. Mikal lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two of their three children. Visit her at www.mikaldawn.com.

One of the things I looked forward to the most with these novellas is how the author would weave the original tale into a modern setting. Toni Shiloh does not disappoint.
I thoroughly enjoyed the snow covered mountain setting and the cabins at Seven Groves. If only one could visit and enjoy it for real! Thankfully, all seven dwarves are included in the story in a truly fun way.
I really liked Marcus’ character. He is definitely a hero worthy of the title. Caring. Wounded. Open to falling in love. Amala, on the other hand, suffered such pain and betrayal it’s hard to believe she found healing so quickly.
As I read, I was reminded of all the little reasons Snow White is not my favorite fairytale. This of course is not a fault of A Snow White Christmas, but of my own expectations. A Snow White Christmas includes loveable characters, quality writing, and a workable storyline.
Includes too many good things to miss–a romantic afternoon of cider making, snowball fights, and of course Christmas.

Toni Shiloh Author bio – Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom, and Christian fiction writer. Once she understood the powerful saving grace thanks to the love of Christ, she was moved to honor her Savior. She writes to bring Him glory and to learn more about His goodness. Visit her at www.tonishiloh.com.

Christmas and Cinderella, what could be better?
This modern retelling includes a reality show family, and a strong independent woman ready to fall in love–if she finds a worthy man.
With sleigh rides, mistletoe and ice skating this is a Christmas story with all the fixin’s. The added twist of having it all take place in Jackson Hole, Wyoming sets it apart from any other Cinderella story you’ve ever read.
The author combines her ability to create a heart-tugging romance with humor to deliver a delightful holiday read.

Angela Ruth Strong Author bio – Angela Ruth Strong sold her first Christian romance novel in 2009 then quit writing romance when her husband left her. Ten years later, God has shown her the true meaning of love, and there’s nothing else she’d rather write about. Her books have since earned TOP PICK in Romantic Times, been optioned for film, won the Cascade Award, and been Amazon bestsellers. She also writes non-fiction for SpiritLed Woman. To help aspiring authors, she started IDAhope Writers where she lives in Idaho, and she teaches as an expert online at WRITE THAT BOOK. Visit her at www.angelaruthstrong.com.

Yet another wonderful reimagining of a classic tale–real tail included! A wonderful contrast of locations (Vegas and New Mexico) creates a unique Christmas story that culminates in finding a place you truly belong.
This ended up being one of my favorite stories with the traditional New Mexico trappings and references to places that are so dear to my family.
It’s hard to be critical of mermaids. I did find the “bad guy” and the reveal of dastardly deeds a bit over the top, but it did little to take away from the overall story.
Derek and Brie’s story is one I look forward to revisiting on another Christmas.

Jaycee Weaver Author bio – Jaycee Weaver is a wife, mother, and substitute teacher living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She writes contemporary Christian romance with lifelike characters in everyday situations who always get their happy ending. Vist her at www.jayceeweaver.com.
I received a free copy of this title. All thoughts are freely provided of my own volition.
😍 Aw, love this! Thank you!