You know that annoying moment in a romance when the couple, just when things are really starting to get good, let fear (some lie they’ve told themselves) take over?

It leads to the “breakup.”

Today reminds me of the breakup scene in my own romance story.

The day my then fiancé told me he would be deploying to Iraq.

It was the one thing I’d told him from the beginning I Could. Not. Handle.

Marry him just in time for him to leave for a year? Or perhaps forever? Be a single mom to his two littles? Marry him only to say goodbye?

But as in every great love story, when faced with the challenge, we had to make a choice to keep going.

God protected. God remained near. God provided.

We loved. We sacrificed. We endured.

Our Wedding Day

And not only did I survive that year, but I found healing from the heartaches that caused that fear.

He deployed the day after thanksgiving a year later. And almost a year after that, he returned on Veterans Day.

So, on this day, let us remember…

Those who serve.

Those who love service members.

And …Never forget the sacrifices.

Happy Veterans Day

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