Do you reach 10,000 steps per day? Congrats. Really, I mean it. Way to go!
The Reality
But there’s an awful lot of us out here that find that number a near impossibility.
Not that I’ve never reached it. Nor is it truly impossible. But on a day-to-day basis? It just isn’t happening.
I have a love/hate relationship with my step tracker. I used to love that little jingle when I reached my step goal–Yep, there was a time when I reached 10,000 steps most days–but with increased pain came decreased ability to reach that goal.
Combine that with work week challenges, weekend hustles and the less frequent celebratory met-my-goal wobble on my wrist and I nearly threw the thing away.
Enter guilt. Self-recrimination. Self-pity. In other words, nothing useful.
And none of these are part of God’s plan for my life.
The Truth
His plan? Includes me seeing myself as He sees me.
He created me. Me a masterpiece? Even with all my imperfections? Yep.
And you too. He sees each of us as a masterpiece.

But then I came across an article* that claims that even 4,000 steps per day can boost longevity…and benefits max out at about 7,500 steps? WOW.
I can do that.
That’s not to say that if your goal is higher–say 10,000, or like my daughter 15,000–it’s not something to celebrate. You should!
But this little bit of information gives me hope.
The Plan
Don’t get me wrong. I want to do better.
How? By refusing to let negative self-talk impede my progress. I celebrate my successes each day without comparing to others. And I remember how God sees me. His Masterpiece. Isn’t that what matters?
Then I can focus on increasing my step goal on a weekly basis–as my pain management allows–incrementally, as it fits my life rather than based on a decades old indiscriminate advertising campaign.
What about you? Do you have a step goal? Or do you enjoy walking for the sheer pleasure of walking?
Read more about being God’s Masterpiece.
*Check out the article at NPR: 10,000 Steps Per Day? How Many You really Need to Boost Your Longevity