I want to go back to bed. Hide from the world. Curl up with a good book. Pretend, imagine, escape.
It’s hard to choose brave over bed.
This morning was “one of those days” when “everything” went wrong.
In order to keep the house cool, we have to put window fans in overnight. They draw in the cold desert air, then we shut up the house and trap the cold air. This morning? They were bringing in muggy, mildly warm air.
Someone set the laundry room sink to spray instead of stream. Why does it matter? When you add water to the pups morning meals, water and dog food crumbs splatter all over you.
I fed the two big boys and started upstairs. Brushed a tiny bit too close to the countertop, bumped into a lunch container, it flopped to the floor, opened, and scattered grains of rice all over.
I stepped outside to lure Jack away from his intense herding of Ryder, and I received a mosquito bite for my effort.
At the bottom of the stairs, I noticed a pink spot. One of our boys got sick.
And my mountain is gone.
A year ago, we could see mountains in the distance. Peaks and valleys and trees.
Now this:

And they are coming closer every day.
Meanwhile, the mountains are still there. I just have to look for them. Change perspective. Look a little harder.
So it goes with bad days.
You can’t give up and go back to bed.
We Have HOPE
Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (ESV) When you have God on your side, you can do! Whatever it is. Deal with the trivial annoyances of dog’s tossing their cookies to the much harder things like losing a spouse or conquering a cancer diagnosis.
Instead, look for the good.
Rejoice in the positives.
Adjust perspective.
Choose brave.